How do you find out if your ancestors served in the military during the American Revolution or the War of 1812? Brooke Anderson with the Muskingum County Genealogical Society will explore military records that are available in both print and online formats for those time periods.
Brooke Anderson is a native of Pennsylvania who has lived in Muskingum County since 1977. She received her BS in Education and Master of Science in Library Science from Clarion State College (now Penn West Clarion). She was a Library Media Specialist for the Zanesville City Schools for 35 years. Brooke has been conducting genealogy research for over thirty years and currently volunteers as chairman of the Genealogy Library of the Muskingum County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogy Society (MCCOGS). She is a member of MCCOGS, the Ohio Genealogy Society, the Western Pennsylvania Genealogy Society, and the Beaver County (PA) Genealogy and History Center.
The MCCOGS Genealogy Library is currently located in the Ohio University Zanesville Library at Harrold Hall. It will return to the John McIntire Library when the remodeling project is completed. The hours are 10 am to 5 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday (unless OUZ is closed for holiday).