Putnam Female Seminary & Significant Putnam Women
11:30 AM11:30

Putnam Female Seminary & Significant Putnam Women

  • South Zanesville Branch Library (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Explore the history of the Putnam Female Seminary and meet the key Putnam women from the 1800s with Muskingum County History Board member, Dr. Lacey Hull, and Executive Director, Dr. Larisa Harper.

Seating is limited, preregistration is required.

WAITING LIST: https://events.muskingumlibrary.org/event/12574024

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Putnam Female Seminary & Significant Putnam Women
11:30 AM11:30

Putnam Female Seminary & Significant Putnam Women

Explore the history of the Putnam Female Seminary and meet the key Putnam women from the 1800s with Muskingum County History Board member, Dr. Lacey Hull, and Executive Director, Dr. Larisa Harper.

Seating is limited, preregistration is required.

WAITING LIST: https://events.muskingumlibrary.org/event/12540167

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History of Dresden, Ohio
5:30 PM17:30

History of Dresden, Ohio

Have you been interested in knowing more about where you live? Join Muskingum County History Board members, Dr. Lacey Hull and Charlotte McElroy, to learn about the top 10 events/stories of Dresden.

Seating is limited; pregistration is required.


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The Life and Times of John McIntire
6:00 PM18:00

The Life and Times of John McIntire

Rebecca Carr, Muskingum 250 Committee Chair and Muskingum County History Board member, will share newly discovered information about the early life of John McIntire.  In addition, Rebecca will also speak about his many accomplishments, struggles, and the legacy he has left to the people of Zanesville since his death.  The lives and legacies of his wife, Sarah McIntire Young, and daughter, Amelia McIntire, will also be discussed. 

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Genealogy Event : “Finding Your Ancestor in Early Military Records”
6:00 PM18:00

Genealogy Event : “Finding Your Ancestor in Early Military Records”

  • Ohio University Zanesville - Library in Herold Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Brooke Anderson with the Muskingum County Genealogical Society will give a talk on the topic, “How to Find Your Ancestors.”  She will offer information and resources to anyone eager to discover their heritage or if their ancestors were Revolutionary War veterans.

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Genealogy Event : First Families of Muskingum County
6:00 PM18:00

Genealogy Event : First Families of Muskingum County

  • Ohio University Zanesville - Herrold Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

How long has your family lived in Muskingum County?  Could they have been among the first to call Zanesville home?  Brooke Anderson from the Muskingum County Genealogical Society will give a presentation about how to discover if your ancestors were among the first residents of Muskingum County, and how to join First Families of Muskingum County.

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Lord Dunmore’s War and the Burning of Wakatomika
6:00 PM18:00

Lord Dunmore’s War and the Burning of Wakatomika

  • Dresden Branch Library (Muskingum County Library System) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dr. Lacey Hull and Charlotte McElroy are on the Board of Directors of Muskingum County History.  In this presentation, they will be discussing the history of Wakatomika, and the events of Lord Dunmore’s War in and around what is now the town of Dresden, Ohio. 


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John M. Barr      The Zane’s Trace
5:30 PM17:30

John M. Barr The Zane’s Trace

  • National Road-Zane Grey Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

John M. Barr, author of Zane’s Trace: A New Road in a New Country, will discuss the history of the Zane’s Trace as well as its importance to Ohio. Mr. Barr will share the story and the documents that describe the history and location of the Zane’s Trace. 

Special thanks to the National Rd-Zane Grey Museum and the Muskingum County Library System

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Dr. Brandon Downing - “Visions of the New Nation in the Northwest Territory"
5:30 PM17:30

Dr. Brandon Downing - “Visions of the New Nation in the Northwest Territory"

  • Ohio University Zanesville - Rm West 110 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This talk, “Visions of the New Nation in the Northwest Territory,” examines Marietta as a cultural heritage site that serves a crucial role in redefining American collective history by reconstructing a national identity based on the Northwest Ordinance, one of the most important, progressive, and far-reaching legislative acts in American history. By using the interlinked aspects of place, Marietta’s importance as the “first organized settlement of the Northwest Territory” illustrates how it became the birthplace of equality through the preservation of the public domain. This is in contrast with the myth of freedom and independence of a seemingly limitless land. The lessons learned from Marietta as “place,” then, expands the American narrative by challenging our understanding of territorial expansion within the United States in the early nineteenth century.

Dr. Brandon Downing focuses on early American history, particularly Native-white relations along the frontier. He has taught courses in U.S. History (both to 1877 and after 1877), Colonial America, American Revolutionary Era, Native American History, Atlantic World, Professional Historian, and Introduction to Public History. His current book manuscript is “‘Barbarous Tribes of Savages’: Violence and Conflict on the Periphery of Empire in the Colonial Mid-Atlantic, 1750-1776.” Prior to working at Marietta, Dr. Downing was a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Mississippi.

This event has been made possible by the assistance of the Ohio Humanities and the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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